If you are reading this article, it would probably be because somebody told you that you need more RAM in your computer to speed it up. Those who are not techno savvy would love to find out more about how additional RAM speeds up a computer. This article will give you a non technical analogy that you can easily understand.
Let us say your computer is like a file cabinet. Various members of your family use it for various purposes. The kids might play computer games that are rich in graphics, the wife might be designing something on the same computer and you might be using it for your office needs. For the computer to work quickly, it will need to access information quickly. It just cannot be going to the file cabinet again and again, each time someone wants to do something different. This is why it will keep the most frequently used information handy on the table and not in the file cabinet.
But, the computer has only so much space on the table. The more and more you and your family members use the computer for various things, more data will need to be stored on the table. Since it is out of space, it will need to start to go the file cabinet to retrieve information.
This is where RAM will make a difference. When the computer has to reach into the file cabinet to dig up information, it will result in much slower processing times as searching through hard disks and other memory sources take a lot of time. A simple upgrade to your RAM will increase the amount of space on the table and allow your computer to store more information and access it quickly without having to go into the file cabinet. The result will be much faster performance and very little lag times.
You need more RAM if your programs are taking a long time to load or if your computer takes too long before switching applications or starting up a new one. Upgrading RAM is quite easy and most people manage it on their own by reading self help guides. Most computers these days have about 2GB of RAM which will suffice the needs of today and the needs of at least a year in the future. Computer technology evolves itself very quickly and it might not be long before you might need another upgrade of your RAM to accommodate more complex programs and applications that come out in the future.
Thomas Ajava writes about RAM 1 gb and other computer memory topics for Ram1GB.com.
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