
10 Bizarrely Dysfunctional iPad Tablet Accessories

While accessories are beginning to emerge for virtually every major tablet, the head start of the Apple iPad and the massive popularity of the device have led to a niche market of iPad accessories that ranges from fully functional to truly bizarre.

The Sleeve 360

Sleeve 360 is an armband that allows you to tether your iPad to your hand. While in theory this may sound convenient, the after-effect makes your iPad resemble a medieval battle-shield. Too bad it doesn't come with a light-saber for parrying off an onslaught of Android-based tablet users.


Is that iPad in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? No, seriously, there are clothes designed with built-in iPad pockets. You can go with a plain white tee with iPad sized lump or opt for the square-hipped allure of the iClothing little black dress.

EFO Mini Rollable Bluetooth Keyboard

Rollable keyboards are another "in-theory" product. Considering the length but relatively thin design of the iPad, it can store easily with a thin yet lengthy keyboard in your carry-on or briefcase. The use of a rollable keyboard creates a thick yet short storage need unless you defeat the purpose of the product by not rolling it.


How many times have you wanted to leave a $500 plus piece of electronic equipment hanging from the headrest of your front-seat? Often? Excellent. Now the GripDaddy can accomplish this task for you by removing that pesky $40 portable DVD player from your car and allowing you to replace it with an expensive iPad. Only invest in the GripDaddy if your car insurance covers theft and vandalism.


The Scottevest is a vest that can hold your iPad, iPhone, iTouch, digital camera, a bottle of water and a half-dozen other gadgets! You can become a veritable Swiss army knife in a matter of minutes with this article of clothing but you may want to avoid bumping into anything.

The WaterGuard Waterproof Case

Ever wanted to use your iPad in the rain or snow? The WaterGuard case purports to protect your iPad from moisture while still allowing you to use the touchscreen. This would be an okay investment as a case, but taking a chance with an expensive tablet for a few minutes of rainy time use seems a bit excessive.

RAM Mounts

Who needs a rearview mirror when you can have your iPad conveniently mounted from the windshield of your SUV? Products like the RAM mount help make bad driving habits more accessible and seem safer. Bizarreness in the extreme.

The Elite Home Theater Seating iPad Chair

If the iPad wasn't expensive enough on its own, you can throw a multi-thousand dollar chair into the mix. At $6,000, the Elite Home Theater system should relieve even the biggest spender of enough cash to cause an "Oww" sensation.

The Finger Stylus

For those moments when verbal communication fails with your iPad, you can employ the finger. While this stylus is certainly unique and 100% creative, there is also something really scary about using a 6 th finger on the iPad.

The USB Typewriter

Actually, the USB typewriter is kind of cool. Anyone who has an appreciation for the mechanical resonance of a typewriter can undoubtedly drool on demand at the idea of their favorite piece of the past blending with a tablet future. However, the USB typewriter operates at the direct opposite of the iPad intention spectrum, so it can't help claiming a dysfunctional label.

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